You guys remember The Future Love of My Life? The jerkface from work who ignored my text message? (Refresh your memory here).
Well, yesterday he FINALLY responded :
First of all, why the monologue? Ain’t nobody got time for that!
After I finished reading his dissertation, I paused for a second.
These were my initial thoughts :
1. What took him so long?! Two entire days!! I don’t care how busy you are. You make time for things/people that you find relevant. I mean, if the president can make time to creep around with Olivia Pope, theeeeeeeeeeen why can’t this guy?!
2. We sort of crossed paths the other day. Did he feel bad about not responding to me and decide to send a sympathy text?!
3. What the *beep* is a “casual chat”? I mean, I know what it means, but was there REALLY a need for him to specify that the chat would be casual? As if I thought it would be a circus show chat?! I feel like that was his was of saying, “This will NOT, under any circumstance, be a date!”
le sigh.
I responded with something smart like, “my schedule’s pretty flexible so let me know whenever you’re feeling up to having that casual chat.”
And to that he responded with…
Over it!
Photo courtesy of Nuttakit – FreeDigitalPhotos
-_- Oh myyyy days! He went in. Like I thought I was reading a biography. Get to the point already.. Geez! ‘circus show chat” LOL!! Like the way he drafted that text.. it was almost like he was asking you on the ‘casual chat over dinner’ out of sympathy. Please.. let ole dude get of his high horse..and apparent busy schedule..flying back and forth between NY and LA. I say you were even being too nice by responding.. but then I’m only looking outside in. Actually I probably would have responded the same way too. Im such a sucker -_-