The Movies? On a First Date?!


So my best friend, Sasha, tried to hook me up with this guy (we’ll call him Cinema). He contacted me out of the blue ( via text -_- ) and we struck up a conversation. I wasn’t blown away. But he texted me while I was out at happy hour…and you know how that goes (Liquor + Texting (Lexting) = Loose Lipped Foolery). I asked him, when are we going to hang out, and this is how our conversation went (Cinema = grey, Me = Blue) :

photo 1

The movies?!?!!?!? Really?!?! He then went on to say “I’m just kidding.” But then, he says this just a few days later :

photo 2

I’m sorry. Did I not make it clear, right off the bat, that I did not want to go to the movies. And it’s absolutely not about getting ‘wined and dined’, because I ordinarily offer to pay for my own meal ( I don’t insist! Mama didn’t raise no fool now.). However, I just feel that if a man is really interested in getting to know a girl, he wouldn’t pick a location where the only communication that occurs doesn’t involve him or his date.

Isn’t it commonly understood and widely accepted that going to the movies is NOT a good first date idea? Maybe some girls like that, but I made it pretty clear that I’m not one of them. And it’s not just the fact that he asked me to the movies. That’s ok, because some men require training (to be fair, some ladies do too!). But even AFTER I hinted at not wanting to go to the movies, he came back with it AGAIN a few days later! That means :

1. He’s not listening.

2. He has his own agenda.

3. He’s not ready for this jelly.

Now, I know you’re supposed to let the guy be the guy (and all that alpha male jazz), but if I see that a man is leading me up a creek towards nowheresville, I’m going to jump ship. Did I jump prematurely? Maybe. But at least I saved myself from spending an hour and ten minutes staring at a absolute silence…wondering if I should leave or slap myself unconscious.

On to the next!

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles – FreeDigitlalPhotos


    • 03/17/2013 / 8:49 PM

      Lol I think he’d much rather take me to a movie ABOUT a dinner! Lol

  1. 03/18/2013 / 11:56 AM

    Think you’re being overly harsh on going to a movie on the first date. My first date with my partner (going strong 8 years on) was a quick dinner, then a movie, and we had a great time. A good hour’s conversation beforehand and some food, then a movie we both wanted to see, with some cuddling too.

    I don’t think a movie date is a great idea for a date with someone you’ve never actually met before though. There needs to be some ‘getting to know you’ time first.

    And just think, if the date just isn’t your type or isn’t working out, you can avoid talking to them or looking at them for a couple of hours. Just make sure you pick a movie YOU like.

    • 03/18/2013 / 3:20 PM

      You’re absolutely right. I think the problem here is that I’m just not interested in him. So THAT on top of the fact that he asked me to the movies for our first date, is the real fuel behind the fire lol.

  2. 05/20/2013 / 2:09 PM

    LMAO at “u like forget a movie, Im tryna eat!”…oh my what is up with dudes these days? A movie on the first date with minimal convo really says alot about their intentions. Glad you checked him on that.

    • 05/21/2013 / 4:17 AM

      Hahahaha, like I said, he wasn’t ready for this jelly!

      Lol, thanks for stopping by!