I Accidentally Fell In Love With A Homosexual Man

Has anyone ever dated a homosexual man/woman, by accident? Oh, just me? That’s cool. Well, I’m not ashamed to admit that my VERY first boyfriend was gay, or bi-curious as he put it. Yep, he was a flaming queen flying high on the reading rainbow.

How did I not know?

Some of you may be questioning my ability to select a fitting mate. To all of you I say, “Screw you. It could have happened to anyone!” I promise you, other than the one time that he asked me to pluck his eyebrows, I got no indication that he was gay. Nothing! (For most, that probably would have been indication enough). No mysterious calls. No late night excursions in the Castro district of San Francisco. No questionable male friends. Nothing!

All I know is, one day I was in a happy committed relationship and the next day my best friend was pulling me to the side and saying:

Best friend: “You know your boyfriend’s gay right?”
Me: “Huh? What do you mean?”
Best friend: “Oh. I thought I was pretty clear. He likes frolicking with men!”
Me: *tears* “Was it something I did?!”
Best friend: “Probably.”
Me: -_-

Needless to say, I ended our relationship that very day. And I won’t lie. I cried a bit. I was sad! Reason one, I thought I had the uncanny superpower of turning straight men gay. Every girl’s dream, right?! Reason two, my first EVER boyfriend was gay and I was his frigging beard! How rude!  This experience really jacked me up going forward. To this day, I’m very suspicious of the men that I date. If he has too many male friends, he’s on my radar. If he walks like he has a bit of sugar in his tank, he’s on my radar. If he asks me to pluck his eyebrows, he’s OFF my radar and OUT of my life!

I don’t have time for the foolery! Please tell me that I’m not alone on this one. Has anyone else ever dated someone who was gay (or bi-curious)?


    • 11/04/2013 / 10:54 AM

      Thank you so much! Appreciate the love.