Dating a Coworker: Dos and Don’ts

AYOD - DatingACoworker

The Dos

1. DO not date a coworker. Seriously, there are not up sides to committing this life fail!

The Don’ts

1. Don’t stalk. If you decide to go out with a coworker and it doesn’t go well, accept it, respect it and move on. Don’t be a stalker! If your coworker doesn’t see you in a romantic light, no amount of staring or awkward conversation is going to change that. Let it go.

2. Don’t Start Rumors. I know it hurts to be rejected (not from personal experience…I mean, cmon…I’m me). However, pain is not an excuse to invent nasty stories about your coworker (i.e. “She’s a heau.” or “He has a third nipple.”). No matter what happens between you and your coworker, always take the high road.

3. Don’t Tell Your Mama And Them. As juicy as your stories might be about your nightly escapades with the office manager, everybody doesn’t need to know. Keep that information to yourself. The more that people know about your work fling, the more power they have to ruin your life. People are haters. Let’s just put that out there. If given the opportunity, they will use anything and everything against you. Don’t give them the fuel to add to the fire. Just zip it.

4. Don’t Torture Others With PDA In The Workplace. Simply put, don’t nobody wanna see that! *vomit*

5. Don’t Get Mad When It Ends. Don’t get too far in your feelings WHEN things hit the fan (because they eventually will). Always remember that you have to see this person and interact with them (in a professional manner) EVERY DAY. There’s no point in being upset with someone who is more than likely not thinking about you.

If you need any further proof that dating a coworker is bad news, check out my previous post on my coworker who farted in my car. Its not a game people. Date wisely!

photo credit: nicwn via photopin cc



  1. 01/18/2014 / 4:35 PM

    This is advice that I need reminding of time and time again!

      01/18/2014 / 6:49 PM

      Haha me too!

      Thanks for reading 🙂