Surprise Trip To DC

So….my boyfriend told me that we were going to go to a hotel for the weekend in San Francisco. So I pack my luggage and we hop on the train… thing I know, we’re at the airport and he hands me my ticket to Washington DC! I was so SHOCKED and AMAZED. So here are the pics from my trip. FOr those of you who have never been to DC, I think it’s a great place to go. So much history in one place!

This was the CLOSEST we could get to the White House lol. If you look closely, you can see a sniper standing on top…just waiting for someone to give him a reason lol

Me and Malcom

Come up off that mic Oprah!

Hey hey hey Larry!



  1. 09/21/2010 / 10:56 PM

    aww I love when Bf’s do that!

  2. 09/22/2010 / 4:44 AM

    Awww lucky! Hope you had an awesome time, great pics with the camera!

  3. 09/22/2010 / 4:56 AM

    cool pics! seems like you had fun!!!

  4. 09/22/2010 / 2:13 PM

    The D.M.V. area is a great place to live. Tons of history and lots of shopping, lol. Your pics looks amazing!