Starting A New Chapter In My Life!

Please forgive me ya! I posted this vid on youtube a few days ago, and neglected to let my LOVELY blog followers know the GREAT news as well!
For those of you who don’t want to watch this LONG video lol. Long story short, I got a job with the WONDERFUL hair company Arjuni. Yay!!! Hoorah-Hooray!!
Allllllso, I’ll be moving to Cambodia……..*silence*…..yeaaaaaaaaap, the company is moving its operations completely to Cambodia, so that means that I have to pick up and go. It was HARD for me to make this decision, but I know that this will be an amazing opportunity and I look forward to all that life has to offer!



  1. 09/02/2010 / 4:36 AM

    wow good luck in cambodia…change is good..hope u learn a whole LOT of things over there.

  2. 09/02/2010 / 4:49 AM

    Wow… I thought that hair company was a scam with all the drama that was on BlackHairMedia forum. Business must be booming though! Good luck! Don’t forget me if you ever have any extra hair in your stash LOL

  3. 09/02/2010 / 12:40 PM

    WOW!!!! That is amazing. COngrats girl and good luck : )

  4. 09/02/2010 / 1:57 PM

    It sounds like a very exciting opportunity. I hope you have a nice time in Cambodia.

  5. 09/03/2010 / 7:04 AM

    Oh my goodness gracious!!! Lord have mercy, congrats Onye!! I can’t believe it, that’s so incredibly amazing. Wow!

  6. 09/03/2010 / 10:22 AM

    OMG congratulations, that is so AWESEOME:)

  7. 09/05/2010 / 4:38 PM

    Congratulations much!!

    You’ll be doing something you love…excellent news!

    I’ve been following your blog and love it… Because of you, I’m actually going to try weave for the first time… errr soon..

  8. 09/07/2010 / 8:56 PM

    Congratulations hon. Sounds like a great opportunity. Best of luck!

  9. 09/08/2010 / 5:33 PM

    congratulations on the job!! and good luck with the move! I’m sure you will have an amazing time!!!