Shea Moisture’s “Yucca & Baobab” + “Yucca & Plantain” [Product Review]


A friend of mine, who is VERY familiar with the #naturalhairstruggle that is my life, suggested that I try Shea Moisture’s “Yucca & Baobab” products out on my hair.

I’m purposely leaving out the part of the story where I told her that I was stalking one of her friends who has a BEAUTIFULLY full head of natural kinks, which she wears in this GLORIOUS afro. Seriously, amazing!

Yes, I’m going to leave that part out, because I’m kind of obsessed with her hair and if I go into any more detail, I’ll sound like a crazy(ier) pants.


After reading about these Shea Moisture products, I immediately ran out to the nearest Target to grab them off of the shelf. Best. Decision. Ever! 

Here is what I ended up purchasing:


Yucca & Baobab ~ Anti-Breakage Masque


Yucca & Plantain ~ Anti-Breakage Strengthening Conditioner


Yucca & Baobab ~ Thickening Shampoo

First things first, this stuff smells AMAZING! It’s like nostril heaven and I fell in love after the first (second and third) whiff! Whether these products worked or not, the smell was enough to keep me going back for more. Fortunately, for me (and my wallet) they did work!

Each one does a really great job of moisturizing and softening my hair. Although, the conditioner is not a leave-in product, I typically leave it in my hair until the next wash.

Whenever I use these products, I wake up with well-mannered tresses and even some slicked down baby hair action. Seriously. I’m in love. But don’t take my word for it, pick up a bottle and give it a try for yourself!
