My Date With Cinema


Guess what? Mama went on a date the night before last! And for once, I don’t have some far out, straight-out-of-a-movie story to tell. The date went swimmingly well!

 Who was the mystery guy?

Cinema! If you don’t remember Cinema, he’s the guy who kept asking me to go to the movies for the first date (Visit here for a refresher). So, I decided to give him another shot. After dealing with Thug-a-boo for four months, I expected that he’d provide a breath of fresh air.

That he did!

Firstly, he offered to pick me up from my apartment (a man with a car? say what?!). He opened doors, pulled out chairs and was an all out gentleman. We ate dinner at some fancy-smancy restaurant on the water. And when the bill arrived, I didn’t have to do the whole, ‘I’m going to pretend like I’m going to pay this bill’ thing. He snatched it up before it even hit the table. Thug-a-boo would have been half way out the door by that time! What a refreshing difference.

We had pleasant conversation throughout the night on topics ranging from ancient artifacts to whale penises (don’t ask!). And when the night was over, he dropped me off, gave me a hug and pulled away.
It was a great night!

Now to interrupt this flowery goodness with two glaring negatives :

1. He’s short! I was wearing heels that weren’t but 2.5 inches high and I was still hovering over him counting his hair follicles! It was a bit disappointing, but still not a game changer. I’ll just have to donate my heels to some Little Person charity.

2. He hasn’t contacted me since our outing. He sent me a text the night of our date to let me know that he made it home. We joked a bit. He said he had fun with me and that we’d def go on a 2nd date. We then drifted off to sleep. It is now, a day and a half later, and I have not heard from him! I don’t know. I feel like if a guy is interested in a girl with whom he went out, he’d check in with her within the first few days. As such, I’m a bit perplexed by the lack of communication.

I’ll wait it out a few more days. However, if I don’t hear from him, I’ll chop it up as a loss :(.