Macbook Pro – I Want You!

So I’ll be starting school pretty soon, and although I have a laptop already….the irresponsible child in me wants to purchase a Macbook Pro! I want it, I want it, I want it. I dont even know..fully…what the hell it does that’s so special…but dammit I’ll cry if I dont get it!

It’s been calling my name for a few days now, and I think I’m going to go ahead and take the leap and buy one. Yay me!



  1. 04/07/2010 / 4:02 PM

    …I want one, too! But before this purchase (in the summer) I want to get an iPhone!!

    ===the saying goes:
    you see it, want it, buy it, own it!

  2. 04/07/2010 / 4:26 PM

    lol, that saying is totally my lifes motto!
    How about I buy you the iphone…and you buy my the Macbook Pro…sounds fair 🙂