MAC You Dissapointed Me

I headed over to the MAC store today, all giddy and excited about picking up these two shadows. I get there, and my happiness was chewed up and spat right back in to my face. The nerve! They didn’t have either one of these colors. They’re sold out EVERYWHERE! Grrrrrrrrr. I did however pick up Guilt By Association….It’s alright…not too thrilled about it just yet. But we’ll see what happens when I play around with it 🙂



  1. 10/24/2009 / 1:34 AM

    If you are into NYX cosmetics they have an e/s that is pretty much a dupe for Guilt by Association. It’s called Smokie Mountain. I have it, that’s why I skipped GBA even though it’s so gorgeous!

  2. 10/24/2009 / 1:52 AM

    Oh cool! I’ll look in to that!