Jesus be the deliverer of understanding!
What did I just watch? I know that this was an SNL performance, but was it supposed to be comical? I literally laughed (and covered my eyes) through most of it. It started off with R. Kelly tossing Lady Gaga over his shoulder like she was a rag doll or a dead fish and ended with him dry humping her on the stage. All I want to know is, who allowed this to hit the television screen? So many questions, but just like Sway in that infamous Kanye interview, I ain’t got the answers.
What I do know is that Lady Gaga is an AMAZINGLY talented artists. However, there are two things missing from her skill set : the ability to move her body in a coordinated manner and the ability to perform with another human being on the stage.
Exhibit A
Although I love the song Do What You Want, I wouldn’t mind if it disappeared and never came back again. I just can’t stomach another performance from these two. Unfortunately, it appears as though the foolery has carried over from on top of a stage to in front of a camera lens. Great.
Ok. They are weird. And I know what the whole throwing her over his shoulder was about… she has been doing any and everything possible to show off her butt these days. I think she bought a new one.
Hahaha! I would not be surprised!