I’m Back to My Long Hair Don’t Care Situation

Anyone who has been around me for more than one day, knows that I like to change my hair up quite a bit (Sometimes twice in one day. But who’s going to check me, boo?).

I’ve rocked the short cut for longer than I’m comfortable mentioning, so it was definitely time for a change! *Whips out Arjuni hair stash*. Why hello there!

Here are a few pics of my latest “do”, for your viewing pleasure (Please be warned that I did NOT bring out any leave out because I am, in fact, a lazy bum…but again…who’s going to check me, boo?!):








Hair Specs:

Pattern: Wavy C  (styled with curling wand)
Luster: Low
Inches: 14 – 20
Ounces: 8