I recently quit my comfy job as a Social Media Manager for a well-known cosmetics company. Why? Partly because I’m crazy, but mostly because I was ready for a change.
My Decision to Quit
At the end of last year, I went home to Nigeria to spend some time with my family that I rarely get to see. While there, I had some time to reflect on my life (this was made easy since there was rarely any power *insert Arthur’s angry fist*).
It was through this reflection that I came to the sad, sad realization that I was not happy with where I was in life. I was actually miserable. My life was nothing more than a series of repeated events that a trained monkey could easily pick up and do. That is no hyperbole! It was the sad truth.
Time For Change
During the last few days of my stay in Nigeria, I told myself that I wanted to change the course of my life. I wanted to take charge of it, instead of just letting the days pass me by. When I came back to the states, I immediately turned in my 1-month notice (me being generous) and I quit my comfy corporate job. I was ready for a change.
Did I panic? Heck yea! Typically, when people quit a job, they have something better lined up waiting for them. I most certainly did not. I quit with no safety net to catch me if I were to fail. Even though I had no idea what my life would be like going forward, something in my gut that told me I made the right decision and that everything would be okay.
Jumping With No Safety Net
Here’s the thing about safety nets. If you know that there is something set up to catch you in the event that you fall, you’re not going to put you’re all into what you’re doing. You’re just not. For example, if I asked you to walk across the top of a 10-story building, knowing that there’s a safety net, you’d probably do it with confidence knowing that there’s something there to catch you. Now, if I asked you to walk across that same building with NO safety net, you would probably do EVERYTHING in your power not to fall to your untimely death, right?
I stepped out onto the top of a building, with no safety net to catch me if I fall. My very life depends on my ability to secure work and let me tell you, I’ll be damned if I’m going to let something or someone push me to my death. I’m going to fight with everything in me to secure work and to obtain success.
For anyone out there that is thinking about taking the same leap of faith, I support it 110%! Just know that it won’t be easy. A lot of times, when people take a risk, they only open up once they’ve “made it”. However, there’s so much to be learned from the process. So I’ll be sharing my journey, the ups, the downs and the in-betweens.
Be sure to follow along here on my blog and also on Instagram!