How To Co-Exist With An Ex Flame

Some people get lucky. They never have to experience the discomfort of dealing with an ex because their former flame fortuitously fell off of a cliff and died in a ball of flame. Unfortunately, most of us aren’t that lucky. Our exes are still alive, still kicking and still ruining our lives with their audacious will to live. The nerve of them, right?

Well, what if I told you that it is possible to coexist with an ex? *dodges flying tomatoes*. It really is! These five tips will help you turn any awkward encounter with an ex into a beautiful opportunity to exercise self control.

1. Make Peace. It takes a great deal of energy to stay angry with someone. Do you know how DRAINED I’d be if I stayed mad at AT&T for the way that they molest my bank account every month? I’d have zero energy for life. No matter how horribly your ex treated you during your relationship, it becomes completely irrelevant post-relationship. Don’t hold grudges or harbor ill-feelings towards someone who is a #nonfactor. Make peace with your ex-lover so that you may be at peace with yourself.

2. Leave the New Guy/Girl Be. Eventually your ex is going to move on. For some of us, that “moving on” occurred during the relationship (thus the breakup!). However, that’s neither here nor there! When your ex finds the next love of their life, don’t torment that unsuspecting girl/guy. They have absolutely nothing to do with what transpired between you and your ex (unless they did #eeeek). Your relationship terminated for real reasons. Let go and don’t Sharkeisha a b*tch.

3. Out of Sight, Out of Mind. Until you’ve had time to heal, remove all social media connections that you may have with your ex. Some may find this act a bit jejune. However, I’m a firm believer in the saying, “Out of sight. Out of mind.” There’s no point in tormenting yourself. Delete and don’t look back.

4. Get a Life. *self explanatory*. If you’re busy living an active life, you won’t have time to think about what someone else is doing. Join a cross fit gym. Start a new religion. Do something!

5. Don’t Impregnate or Get Pregnant by the Ex. Don’t knock up your ex or get impregnated by an ex. You’re just prolonging the inevitable . . . by 18 years.

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /