Arjuni Wavy B Still Going Strong After A Year

It’s been over a year (with a few changes here and there lol),
and she’s still going strong 🙂


  1. 11/13/2011 / 9:33 PM

    speechless…. its gorgeous!

  2. 11/15/2011 / 9:28 PM

    Awww, thanks Jennifer!

  3. 11/16/2011 / 8:10 PM

    I love it please can you tell what hair this is, how many oz the whole works, I am going to order this next 🙂 if it is from Arjuni <3

  4. 11/16/2011 / 8:16 PM

    Mz zee – Thank you! If you’d like for your custom blend to look similar to mine, I’d request :

    Pattern : Curly B
    Ounces : 10 – 11
    Lengths : 14in – 22in (or whatever length you prefer)
    Luster : Medium
    Color : Natural Brown

    And you already know where you can find it, but just in case :