Hair Extensions 101 : How Much Hair Should I Buy?

How much hair should I buy for an install?
This is a very important question!

In order to fully achieve your desired look, you must have the right amount of hair. I can’t TELL you how many times I’ve purchased some hair, and have simply not had enough to complete my install. WHACK!! Over the years, I’ve gained a pretty good understanding of the amount of hair that is necessary to achieve certain hair styles. I hope you all find this information helpful. πŸ™‚

Packs of Hair

Hair sold at your local beauty supply store typically comes in packs. One pack of hair has the equivalent of four ounces (even though I doubt this # at times). If you plan on doing a partial install (where you leave out about half of your hair), one pack of hair should suffice. I don’t wear partials anymore, but here are a few photos from a time (long long ago) when I did wear them.

Please excuse the green eyes…I was going through a phase lol. But this is what 4 ounces would get ya.

Now for a fuller hair style, you’re more than likely going to need at LEAST two packs of hair. Whether you have a small head or an unusually large head, you’ll at least need two packs of hair.
Here are some photos where I used two packs of hair :

…hehehe brace face!

I’ve never used more than two packs of hair. But if you wish to achieve an even fuller hair style, then there is nothing wrong with installing three packs.

Ounces of Hair

The same rules apply for ounces. As mentioned previously, one pack is the equivalent of four ounces of hair. And two packs is equivalent to eight ounces. Again, for a FULL install, you’ll need at least eight ounces of hair. However, if you wish to leave quite a bit of your hair out, you shouldn’t need more than four to five ounces.

Now when I first started out in this here weave game, I stuck with eight ounces.

8 Ounce Goodness Right Here

For most people, eight ounces is more than enough. But I require a bit more hair on this head of mine.

Achieving a Voluminous Hair Style 

For an even fuller hair style, I’d recommend installing about 10 ounces of hair (the equivalent of 2.5 packs). Couple that with some expert layering and you’ve got yourself a recipe for something truly tasty!
10+ Ounce Install

P.S. The longer your hair extensions, the more hair you’ll need to complete your install.
And that’s all folks! I hope this was a bit helpful.
If you have any questions or comments, please do not
hesitate to leave them down below πŸ˜‰


  1. 10/09/2011 / 6:52 PM

    I haven’t used extensions in a long while. Love your smile, πŸ™‚

  2. 10/09/2011 / 7:03 PM

    Thank you so much!

  3. 10/10/2011 / 9:30 PM

    Hm! Great blog post, and great insights!

  4. 11/16/2011 / 8:39 PM

    fantastic info thank you very much for this πŸ™‚