How much hair should I buy for an install?
This is a very important question!
In order to fully achieve your desired look, you must have the right amount of hair. I can’t TELL you how many times I’ve purchased some hair, and have simply not had enough to complete my install. WHACK!! Over the years, I’ve gained a pretty good understanding of the amount of hair that is necessary to achieve certain hair styles. I hope you all find this information helpful. π
Packs of Hair
Hair sold at your local beauty supply store typically comes in packs. One pack of hair has the equivalent of four ounces (even though I doubt this # at times). If you plan on doing a partial install (where you leave out about half of your hair), one pack of hair should suffice. I don’t wear partials anymore, but here are a few photos from a time (long long ago) when I did wear them.
Please excuse the green eyes…I was going through a phase lol. But this is what 4 ounces would get ya.
Now for a fuller hair style, you’re more than likely going to need at LEAST two packs of hair. Whether you have a small head or an unusually large head, you’ll at least need two packs of hair.
Here are some photos where I used two packs of hair :
…hehehe brace face!
Ounces of Hair
Now when I first started out in this here weave game, I stuck with eight ounces.
8 Ounce Goodness Right Here
I haven’t used extensions in a long while. Love your smile, π
Thank you so much!
Great info!!
Hm! Great blog post, and great insights!
fantastic info thank you very much for this π