Coloring My Closure

I purchased this closure and it was a bit too light. Although I have ZERO experience with hair coloring, I had to make it do what it do!

Here are my results :


It came in a light brown color similar #4

Brushed it out a bit


Fresh after color. Success!

The color took well. I missed a few areas…

but they’ll have to work as highlights lol.

Silk was unaffected by the dye.

Beautiful black curls 😉

I plan on creating a wig next weekend. Stay tuned for a photo tutorial!


  1. 07/23/2011 / 7:37 PM

    Hey, I follow your post and I wondered if your because Im new to different hairstyles black girls do as for most of my life I’ve done braids the only time I’ve seen weave is when putting tracks in, so would you be able to explain how you do your hair, because I would REALLY love to try out the hairstyle you have in your pictures, I LOVE it

  2. 07/23/2011 / 7:52 PM


    I plan on starting a Hair Extensions 101 series very soon. Is there anything in particular that you would like to see?