Boy Have I Changed!

I’ve come a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way since my first few years in college!

Here I am with my braces, which I seriously thought would be a permanent fixture in my life!! I have a Wet Seal pearl necklace on *straight face*…..horrid!!!……My $20 weave that I could  NOT style to save my life….and the makeup game was nonexistent!!

And nooooooooooow :

Braces are GONE…along with that atrocious pearl necklace lol. And I’ve gotten a whole lot better at fixing my hair, and laying my MAC down! Aging can be a beautiful thing ;-).



  1. 11/09/2010 / 10:35 PM

    lol….ooooo how times have changed. lets find a pic of u and i from 7th grade!!! hahaha

  2. 11/10/2010 / 12:33 PM

    lol I agree…..I’ve also come a loooonnnngggg way : )