Is It Possible to Over-Communicate?

The other day, I went on a date and I was asked : “Are you the type that likes to be around your significant other all the time and talk all day? Or do you have a life?”

photoExcuuuuuuuuuuse me?!

First of all, if that wasn’t a leading question, I don’t know what is! Second of all, hell yea I’m that type! I’ve no shame in admitting it. If I’m in like with someone, or even just in interest with them, I want to talk to them all the time. That’s how you get to know someone, right!?

The past few men (<—and I use this term loosely) that I’ve dated seemed to have a serious fear of communication (unless of course, I’m not as interesting as I think I am). One guy NEVER charged his phone. It was LITERALLY always dead. And unless I wanted to communicate with him via pigeon mail, we just didn’t talk. Another guy would say “good morning” at 9:00am and then disappear, never to be heard from again, until 9:00pm. 12 hours of non communication!?!? What is a girl supposed to do with that!? By the time he contacted me, I was far too annoyed to deal with his chicanery. Our “relationship” soon ended.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I cannot form a bond unless there is CONSISTENT communication. I just can’t. Now, it’s very possible that I’ve been spoiled rotten by my previous boyfriend. We talked every second of every day. Like me, he was ALWAYS on his phone, always on gchat, always in his email. I couldn’t shake him. But I loved it! I felt like it showed a certain level of commitment and interest (He, of course, turned out to be the worst kind of cheater. But that’s neither here nor there).

I want that connectedness with the next guy that I date.
Am I asking too much?