Photos From This Weekend’s Surprise Bridal Shower


Well, if I’m not going to get married anytime soon, there’s no reason why others shouldn’t! This past weekend, I attended a “surprise” (the bride was FULLY aware) red-themed bridal shower for my little cousin. I’ve watched her grow up and now I get to cheer her on from the sidelines as she walks down the aisle. I’m so happy for her!


The set up


Me and the girls. And by girls I mean, my curls.


Things got a bit raunchy!
OMG! This had to be THE single most uncomfortable situation I’ve ever been involved in. The stripper couldn’t dance. He had tan lines on his booty and we were all through with him after about five minutes. I felt bad because NO ONE was giving him money, so I threw out a few desperation dollars and then closed my eyes for the rest of the show. The struggle was real for this stripper!


Hair Extension Specs

Company :
Pattern : Curly D
Lengths : 8 – 18 inches
Luster : Low (top), Medium
Ounces : Too many