When is it Time to Throw in the Towel?


Stole this from Bossip.com

If you’ve been in a relationship for some years, it’s no secret it is not easy. Sometimes, things can get so hard to bear a “break” is necessary. But does this mean you’re broken up? Or how many times do you “break” before you realize it’s time to make your final exit? Many relationships are hard to let go; however, it’s hard to decipher when to give it another go, or give it the deuces. What’s the use in sticking around in a relationship if you’re not willing to give your all? You’re either in it for the long haul or not at all, there’s no in between, all or nothing. Relationships are work, but where do you draw the line between making it work and chasing a lost cause? Going back and fourth, swinging between togetherness and fall outs is emotionally draining, and not to mention, a waste of time. But the question still remains, how do you know when it’s really time to go?

…no comment on this one folks…To each their own! I think we’ve all gone through this, and everyone knows when they’ve had enough.

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici – FreeDigitalPhotos


1 Comment

  1. 08/28/2009 / 8:51 PM

    enough is enough preach gurl lmao maybe itll hit sum ppl hahahahaha =p