Weekend Festivities

When I say I got no sleep this weekend….I got NOOOOOOO sleep. But it was all worth it, sending my boobie Simone off to live in LA :(….Yea she’s leaving me.

Friday night we hit up the cheesecake factory and had a few drinks…I had a good time catching up with the girls. Didn’t get to sleep until like 4am.

The next day, I headed out to SF again, and before I got there, the ladies had already started drinking. We went down Mission St. looking for a bar to hop into…I think the whole bar finding process was the highlight of the night. We decided to give up on finding a bar, after we hoped into this one spot, and there was a mariachi band playing, and everyone looked at us when we walked in, because we were obviously outsiders in the crowd of people.

So we decided to just go and get some food…which in itself was a mission…because someone was hungry….then she wasn’t hungry, but then she was hungry…and so on and son on. Lord it was a hot SF mess!!!

Today, I went to go see District 9..it was…interesting….I’m looking forward to District 10 (

Aaaaand, now I’m bout to straighten my hair….cuz it’s driving me bananas!


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