Some New MAC Ish….

Ok, ok…not all of this stuff is from MAC…but half of it is lol 🙂

I picked up the lashes because…uhmm…I love those things. I used to go to the salon and have the individuals put on for special occasions….but Lordy-B those things would snatch out all but 2 of my natural lashes…and that’s why I reserved them for special occasions lol.

I also picked up the Brow Defining Powder….gives my brows that EXTRA ….u know..

Here’s MAC’s Guilt By Association….I like it….i think lol.

This one, is a Mineralize Blush called Warm Soul…unfortunately, it will only be in my possession for the night, because it’s going right back to MAC tomorrow morning. I swear this mess does NOT show up on my skin. And the dude at the MAC store said “Oh my God! This would look so NICE on you !!!”…….I bet…it blends right on in to my skin thanks.


1 Comment

  1. 10/24/2009 / 10:59 AM

    I really only half listen to MUA’s. I know my skin and what suits it better than they do by looking at it, sorry!

    It’s obvious by looking at Warm Soul that it wasn’t gna be doin’ you any favours whatsoever.

    Gilt by Assoc is noce, I did a FOTD with it a few wks back on my blog.