Hair Fixing…..BLAH!

This is what my hair looked like after I washed and blow dried it. I usually let my hair air dry, but i wanted to wear it straightened, so instead of straightening wavy hair, I’d rather work with semi straight hair….you get my drift?!

This is my hair straightened. When I say that this hair is the DEVIL when it comes to straightening…I mean that whole heartedly! lol, but I love the outcome….I’ll be curling it tomorrow with my handy dandy curling iron. Hoorah!


  1. Anonymous
    10/25/2009 / 7:33 PM

    Get a life

  2. 10/25/2009 / 7:37 PM

    lol, hush yo mouth Not-So Anonymous!

  3. 10/25/2009 / 9:52 PM


  4. Anonymous
    12/11/2009 / 3:57 AM

    what type of hair do u use

  5. 12/11/2009 / 4:56 PM

    ^^that good ol Indian Hair. Loves it!