I Keep It Changing : Arjuni Wavy B



  1. 06/24/2010 / 3:35 AM

    yesssss hunny yessss!!!
    lol i’m ordering my arjuni on monday but i’m taking the 2A route. wish me luck! 🙂

  2. 06/24/2010 / 3:37 AM

    Thank you girly! And you won’t need luck. You’re gonna love it!! Please send me pics!!!!! lol

  3. 06/24/2010 / 4:07 AM

    i hope so!! haha this is my first purchase of good quality hair. the only other time i bought hair for over $300 was with indianhaircompany.com. i’m still wearing it now, had it since nov. and it’s working for me but it’s thinned out SOOO much… needless to say, i’m more than ready to get this hair in my hands ASAP. lol

  4. 06/24/2010 / 4:09 AM

    p.s.- you will DEFINITELY be seeing some pics from me in the near future… lol

  5. 06/25/2010 / 1:59 PM

    Absolutely stunning!!!

  6. Anonymous
    09/27/2012 / 12:23 PM

    Hi! I want to ordet some hair but I don‘t know how to get in touch with any1 from website. I need some help!!!