Easy, Breezy, Beautiful…LA Girl!

Oh how I’ve missed Los Angeles!
Throughout my time in Cambodia, I was CRAVING
an LA snapback. Don’t ask me why…I just wanted one *pouts*
So yesterday, I headed to the mall with my bestie
on a search to find one.
We found this athletic store inside of the Carson Mall…
aka The Worst Mall In The World (<_<).
They didn’t have an LA snapback, so I had two options :
1. Purchase an SF or Oak snapback.
2. Purchase an LA fitted cap.
*sigh*…I didn’t want to do the fitted cap because *looks down in shame*
my head is LARGE lol…and my hair is even larger!
But I ended up getting it, and it worked out perfectly!
It will be making a cameo in my next video,
so stay tuned!