A Night Out at El Floridita Cuban Restaurant


Last night, I had the pleasure of dining and salsa dancing at El Floridita Cuban Restaurant in Los Angeles, California. It was a pretty cool experience, but for the fact that my salsa dancing skills are at a FIRM zero on the 10-point scale (Yes. They’re off the scale!).

In spite of my lack of moves, I had a really good time. It was a pretty unique experience. I don’t know that I’d go back again though (the food was slightly overpriced and slightly not-that-great). After the Cuban dining experience, we headed over to a bar/lounge in Silver Lake. Immediately upon entering the establishment, I knew my life wasn’t ready for the shenanigans that would follo. Everyone…and I mean EVERYONE appeared to be under the influence of some type of drug! And I’m not talkinga bout marijuana. I’m talking the heavy duty stuff. One guy even came up to us and asked if we had molly.


Aaaaand, that was our cue to roll on out!

All-in-all, this night was one for the memory books! Here are a few pics from the night :


